Thursday, March 2, 2017

Math 8 - Stone

You received your partner quizzes back. Corrections are due Monday.

We went over graphing parabolas and recognizing patterns from a quadratic table. Click the link below to access the warm ups we have done all week. Make sure you know how to do those problems. It will be VERY helpful for you tomorrow.

Get your index card ready for the test tomorrow.

Spanish 2

Students practiced irregular verbs in the preterit tense and learned about Peru.

Homework: Complete the front page of the Peru worksheet if not done in class
                   Reflexive Verbs Quiz Corrections due Monday

Extra Credit Opportunity: Take a video of yourself reading your reflexive book to a family member and show the video to Ms. Dixon by tomorrow.

Canvasser 3.2.17 Thursday

RR ELA: Reading logs are due Monday (3.6.17) students should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes for 5 days a week. Students must also complete short response sections, with parent signatures for all five days. There will be a grammar quiz tomorrow on information found in the grammar packet pages 32-41.

RR Math: The red group can complete the workbook pages for week 3 day 2 if they did not finish in class. The blue group worked on reviewing week 3 day 1 and did more test and homework corrections. Homework will be due March 10 and there will also be a test that day as well.

*Students need to bring their AR books with them to class and home daily!
*Half way AR points are due tomorrow.