Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 11/24/15

Students revised their 3 body paragraphs

Read your independent AR book

Important Dates
M 12/14: 2 Reader's Book Records due
F 1/29: AR points due (end of second quarter)


Science- Tuesday, November 24

Classwork: Discussed the speed time graph to analyze where forces appeared to be balanced vs. unbalanced for a car on the track. We then took notes on gravity and free fall.

Homework: Mass vs. Weight (see the science folder for a copy)

Discussion Starters: Explain this statement from today's video- If you're not happy with how slim you are, join  mass watchers. If you just want to change your weight, go to the moon!

Geometry- Tuesday, November 24

Classwork: Took the unit 3- Congruence test.

Homework: None, enjoy the long weekend!

Discussion Starters: How did the test go?

Canvasser 11.24.15 Tuesday

RR ELA- No new logs over the holiday break, but students should be reading daily for general education English.
Late logs need to be turn in before the break!

RR Math- Both groups should be working on the homework packet!
Blue group can finish up the workbook pages from class today