Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, November 20

Science: Completed our Unit 2 notes by taking notes on Newton's 3rd Law and Momentum. Homework is the momentum worksheet.

Geometry: Continued our discussion of composite reflections over parallel lines through proofs. Homework is the Composite of reflection of parallel lines worksheet.

Resource Room Math:  You will have a test on Friday.  Your homework packet is also due on Friday.  If you show me your homework before Friday, I will grade it and help you with the problems you  may not understand so you do great on the test.

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs and five different reader's responses are due every Monday.  This is not optional.  Parents must also sign your log.

Humanities: Students turned in chapter 7 summative assessments and shared current events in class. No homework.

Chinese: Paper-cutting,making Chinese fan as Thanksgiving gifts, writing characters.

Spanish 2: Study the new vocab for a vocab quiz this Monday, Nov 25th.
French 1: Study the purple words on pg 73 for a vocab quiz on Monday, Nov 25th.

Course 3: Chapter 5 test today.  No homework.

Algebra: no homework today

Pre-Algebra: Today students utilized their problem solving strategies to solve an algebraic assessment task. I also introduced inequalities. We discussed the difference between an equation and an inequality, and looked at real-life examples of inequalities. HW: Solving Inequalities with Addition and Subtraction Worksheet (solve and graph all)
 Spanish (Tomlinson): Finish Study Guide begun in class. Test-Friday. Remember:  Folder packets are due. Check Family Access for missing assignments

ELA - Students continued their Grammar Study with Grammar 1.5-1.6. Homework: Read, Grammar, Journal entry #19