Science: Finished collecting and analyzing data on flat and incline tracks using Newton's 2nd Law.
Geometry: 4.8 notes (transformation). Chapter 4 review for homework. Chapter 4 test Tuesday.
Algebra: Students received their scores from the Ch. 3.5-3.8 and 6.5-6.6 Test. Any student that wants to retake the test must come in on Monday, Nov. 23 for a review session and then retake on Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Today we started 4.2 (skipped 4.1) and there was no homework. Students learned strategies how to solve linear equations on the graphing calculator.
Algebra 2: Today students practiced the Rational Zero Theorem. Afterward, students learned Descartes' rule of signs. 5.7 is homework tonight.
Pre Algebra: Students finished presenting in-class projects. Then learned 3.3. 3.3 is homework tonight.
Course 3: Today students learned 5.2 (Subtracting fractions). Students have 5.2 W.S. tonight for homework. Austin- We took notes on 5.1, adding fractions with common denominators. Homework- worksheet 5.1, # 1-8 all, 10 - 24 evens only.
Spanish 1: There was an oral quiz today and so far the kids are doing very nicely! Chapter 1-3 test Tuesday. The kids know the sections of the test.
Spanish 8: Project due tomorrow!
LA - Journal #16 - A popular show called “What not to Wear” on TLC needs a new “What not to do” theme, describe one idea and don’t forget to give the show a name. Students watched the A&E Biography on Jackie Robinson. HW- working on Journals and their papers.
Journalism - Working on their articles for the "Hawks Nest"
Social Studies- Mrs. Weiss presented in class today. Homework is to complete notes for 6.4 and to think of a subject and mode of presentation for our "protest" activity tomorrow.