Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11

Science: Took the unit 2 test! 

Geometry: Investigated criteria for proving triangle congruence. Homework is triangle congruence sheet. We will take our test on congruence next week either Thursday or Friday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

Resource Room Math:  Test will be on Friday.  Homework will be due Friday. If you get your homework in early, I will check it and review anything you got wrong so you do wonderful on the test.

Spanish 2: Study for the chapter 2 test tomorrow. Practice prepositions and tĂș commands and the Vin Diesel verbs by going on my blog
French I: Study for the chapter 2 test tomorrow. Practice days of the week, telling time of classes and the verb avoir by going on my blog

Chinese: We are practicing writing characters and radicals of Lesson 5.

Humanities: Students shared current events and worked on the Constitution review in class. Homework is to finish the Constitution review for tomorrow.

Course 3: Worksheet 6.2, #1 - 17 odds.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced more with Laws of Exponenets. We completed more complex problems that involve the use of several rules.

Algebra-  more practice with parallel and perpendicular lines.  homework worksheet (all)