Monday, December 7, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 12/7/15

Grammar - Unit 1 - Lessons 1 & 2

Finish lessons 1 & 2

Important Dates
F 12/11: Unit 2 Grammar Quiz
M 12/14: 2 Book Records Due


Update Canvasser

RR ELA:  Lesson 20 workbook is due tomorrow- green group.

Geometry- Monday, December 7

Classwork: Began Unit 4: Dilations by exploring dilations.

Homework: Finishing graphing the triangles and filling out the table with coordinates.

Discussion Starters: Do you think dilations are rigid motions?


Science- Monday, December 7

Classwork: Students found the mass of the objects they are using for the "Is the Force With You?" lab and also decided how many Newton's of force they will use in their experiment. They then used these measurements to finish writing their hypothesis.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Explain how you will conduct your experiment tomorrow!

Canvasser 12/7 Monday

RR ELA:  Reading logs were due today.  If you did not turn yours in, they are due tomorrow for reduce credit- better than a zero!

             New reading logs were passed out and are due Monday 12/14.  Read at least 5 days per week for 20 minutes and answer the response questions.  Do not forget to have someone sign your log.

RR Math:  Test grades are posted.  The red group worked on homework and test corrections today in class.  The Blue group should finish day 2, week 2 workbook pages.  New homework packets were passed out to both groups.

RR Math, RR ELA, LRC:  By now you should have accepted my Google Classrooms invite and answered the welcome question.  If you did not, please do so by tomorrow.

Happy Monday.