Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, January 30

Science: Began reviewing for the science midterm. The review is due on Monday, the midterm is on Tuesday. 

Geometry: Continued our study of the unit circle by using our knowledge of special right triangles (30-60-90 & 45-45-90) to identify coordinates on the unit circle that correspond with angle & radian measures.  Unit circle should be completely labeled for homework.

C. Reading:  Logs are STILL due with five completed days on Monday 2/3/14.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets will now be due on Monday 2/3/14.  Your test has also been moved to Monday 2/3/14.  This gives you a nice long weekend to study!  Please remember, if I have your homework packets early- by Friday, I will check it and return it to you so you can study from it with correct answers!

R. Room Math & C. Reading Recap:  Math dates have been changed- one day.  Corrective Reading dates remain the same.

Spanish (Tomlinson): 2.1 vocab quiz tomorrow. ALL WORK from Term 2 DUE TOMORROW

Chinese: We are going to do speaking practice on how to inquire about people. Students will also continue making correction on mid-term exam.

Spanish II: Continue studying for the second part of the midterm tomorrow. It will be all multiple choice. Both study worksheet packets are due tomorrow.

French I: The 4.1 worksheet passed out today is due Monday, Feb 3rd. Study for the vocab quiz on Monday, Feb 3rd

Humanities: Students checked 10.3 guided notes and began to work on 10.4 guided notes in class. Homework is to complete 10.4 guided notes. Please note that there will be a test on chapters 9 and 10 next Wednesday.  Students will get a review sheet tomorrow in class.

Health (Stein): What we did today: Students conducted a web scavenger hunt on the chemicals found in cigarettes, second hand smoke, celebrities with health problems due to smoking, how smoking affects a person's outward appearance and stroke. Homework: Edmodo permission slips were passed out and are due Friday, January 31.

Course 3: We worked on scatter plots today.  Homework is worksheet 11.2, all.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed a sort of linear equations in which we matched linear equations to a descriptor, graph or table and provided proof of our matches. This page was completed in our ISN. HW: 8.2 (1-17 odd) We will have a short "Check Up" tomorrow over 8.1-8.3

ELA - We continued our reading of To Kill a Mockingbird;  starting with our Teaching Point (memory moment) and then discussing yesterday's chapters to check for understanding.  Today's signpost lesson will go in to their Novel Portfolio to be handed in at the end of the unit. Homework: Read Chapters 9-10, Journal entry #7

Technology - Kennedy - On Monday students took their first Typing Test to find a base line for their touch typing skills.  We then proceeded with (each student has his/her own account) for skills development and practice. On Wednesday we continued with touch typing. Today students were introduced to/reminded about the Excel Spreadsheet environment.  We did a quick spreadsheet "The 12 Days of Middle School" and then created pie charts to reflect the cost of Middle School.  We will continue our spreadsheet studies tomorrow with taking our own surveys and charting them using Excel.

Algebra- Finish page 1 of notes (front and back)