Monday, February 29, 2016

Geometry- Monday, February 29

Classwork: Began unit 6 by investigating special right triangles. 
Homework: Practice #1-9

Science- Monday, February 29

Classwork: Introduced the "What is safe?" Electricity Unit project. 
Homework: Event and sketch

Individuals and Societies

-Students completed the chapters 12/13 assessment in class today.
-No homework.

Canvasser 2.29.16

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs due Monday (3.7.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish day 3 workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. The math test and multiplication worksheet are due on/before Monday (3.7.16.) Your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools! Study daily!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Science- Friday, February 26

Classwork: Notes on series and parallel circuits.

Homework: Series & Parallel worksheet (see science folder for copy)

Ramin - ELA

- Realistic Fiction: Day 11
- Students wrote an outline for their TKM essay - (Outline posted to GC for those absent)

- Using your outline, complete a rough draft (5 paragraphs) of your TKM essay.

Important Dates
- 2/29: TKM AR Quiz Due
- 3/4 TKM Essay Due
- 3/4: TKM RBR Due
- 3/9: Point Goal Check
- 4/13: AR Point Goal Due


Canvasser 2.26.16 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due on Monday (2.29.26) Students should be reading for a minimum 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The math packet,multiplication, and test due date has been moved to Monday (3.7.16) due to the snow and upcoming 8th grade PSAT testing.
Make sure you are studying daily for your math test! Your math notes,workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed four our chapters 12/13 assessment in class today.
-Homework is to study for the assessment.
-Students should be able to compare and contrast the following aspects of northern and southern society:
Geography (growing seasons and land)
Economy (type and diversity)
Transportation (types and location)
Workers (types and free?)
Culture (aspects as they relate to slavery)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Students checked their answers to the 2.4 classwork from yesterday. Students worked on ACE questions 47-64, 70 and 78-80. We went over the answers together and reviewed for the quiz on Friday.

Look over the notes and study for the quiz on Friday. There will be a quiz Friday even if there is no school tomorrow because of weather.

Dixon Language & Literature

Homework: Complete essay outline and finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird if not finished in class


Geometry- Wednesday, February 24

Classwork: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Students need to make sure they are fully stating the criterion they are using for showing that a quadrilateral is a rectangle, square, rhombus or parallelogram. Shortcuts are not recommended and very few of these criterion have "names", thus it is important to say the entire criterion. For example "consecutive angles theorem" does not exist! However, "If parallelogram then consecutive angles are supplementary" says everything we need to know, but it isn't the same as saying that one angle is 100 and another is 80 (This has been a common shortcut, which is not accurate. The angles can be any two numbers that add to 180, so a better way would be to say one angle = x and the other = 180-x).

Homework: Study for tomorrow's test! I have posted the key in the math folder.

Science- Wednesday, February 24

Classwork: Took the electricity unit quiz.

Ramin - ELA

Realistic Fiction - Day 10

- Finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird
- Thursday's Free Write: Identify three different techniques that Harper Lee used to reach one specific goal and explain *OR* Identify one technique that Harper Lee used to reach three different goals and explain.

Important Dates
2/26: To Kill a Mockingbird AR Quiz
2/26: Yearbook order forms due
2/29: To Kill a Mockingbird RBR Due
3/11: Point goal check - should be about halfway towards your goal
4/13: AR point goal due


Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 13.2 and worked on 13.3 in class today.  Students also continued to work on review questions for our assessment on Friday.
-Homework is to complete 13.3 and review questions for tomorrow.
-Thursday will be a review day.
-Students will be asked to compare and contrast the following aspects of northern and southern culture in the years leading to the Civil War:
Geography (growing season and land)
Economy (types of jobs and diversity)
Transportation (types and location)
Workers (types and free v. slave)
Culture (way of life and beliefs)

Canvasser 2/24

Read daily- 20 minutes.  Fill out a response for each day.   Reading log due Monday.

RR Math:
Homework packet due on/before-3/3

Red group finish Day 2 workbook pages.

IF YOU HAVE CANVASSER for 3rd or 4th hour:  You need to bring in a pair of headphones.  Dollar store!  This is pass due!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dixon Language & Literature


In your journal, write one page on one of the following prompts. Use the charts from Day 6 to help you.

Identify three different techniques that Harper Lee used to reach one specific goal and explain.
Identify one technique that Harper Lee used to reach three different goals and explain.


Science- Tuesday, February 23

Classwork: Went over Ohm's Law and completed investigation 14A on voltage and current measurements in series and parallel circuits.

Coming soon! Quiz tomorrow

Geometry- Tuesday, February 23

Classwork: Discussed coordinate proofs and then began working on the Unit 5 review.

Homework:  Unit 5 Review (copy in math folder). Some of the items were difficult to read on the copy. I sent a picture of these items via skyward and it is also found in the math folder.

Coming Soon! Unit 5 test Thursday

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Students started Investigation 2.4 on page 27. Students started the exploration problems on page 28 and will finish them tomorrow.


Focus Question

"What does it mean to take the cube root of a number?"



Write the definition and example of cube root in your vocab packet. Look over your notes from Investigations 1 and 2.




Canvasser 2.23.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.29.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (3.3.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (3.3.16) Blue group can finish day one, week two workbook pages if not completed in class. The red group worked on their homework and test corrections.

* Tomorrow (2.24.26) is the last day to bring in headphones for Mrs. Canvasser RR ELA and RR Math classes!*

Monday, February 22, 2016

Yearbook Order Forms

Yearbook order forms are due by Friday, 2/26. Please return the forms with payment ($25) to your language arts teacher or to Mrs. Ramin. Thank you!

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Monday, February 22, 2016

Today we looked at our work from Investigation 1 and Investigation 2.

Look over your notes. Check Up 1 (quiz) on Wednesday, February 24.

There is an open-note quiz this Wednesday over Investigations 1 and 2. Look over your notes.

Geometry- Monday, February 22

Classwork: Used what we know about length, slope and midpoint to identify quadrilaterals in the coordinate plane.

Homework: Finish Coordinate proofs

Coming Soon: Unit 5 Test Thursday

Science- Monday, February 22

Classwork: Began investigating voltage and current in series and parallel circuits.

Homework: None

Coming Soon: Quiz Wednesday

Canvasser 2.22.16 Monday

Happy Monday! Hop you all had a wonderful break!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.29.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section! Along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Red group can finish day one week two workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. Blue group worked on their homework and test corrections. The homework packet and multiplication worksheet are due on/before Thursday (3.3.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (3.3.16)

* Headphones were due before we left for break on Friday (2.19.16) For RR ELA and RR Math classes. If you do not have them in class today, you can bring them in tomorrow (2.23.16).*

Friday, February 12, 2016

Canvasser 2.12.16 Friday

Happy Friday

RR ELA- No ELA class today due to the half day/flip day. No new reading logs over the week/mid-winter break, BUT students should still be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.

RR Math- Students worked on their homework and test corrections.

* Headphones were due today! If you did not bring them in, I need to see them the Monday we return from break (2.22.16)*

* EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for anyone who can donate Clorox wipes to the classroom. All donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you!*

Have a wonderful weekend and break!

Science- Friday, February 12

Classwork: Circuit websites:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Realistic Fiction - Day #7 - Contrasts and Contradictions

Read TKAM chapters 14-15

Science- Thursday, February 11

Classwork: Discussed notes on Ohm's Law, watched a short video and did some practice problems.

Homework: Ohm's Law Practice (Copy in Science Folder)

Coming up! Quiz Tuesday, February 23

Geometry- Thursday, February 11

Classwork: Took the 5.4-5.5 quiz

Homework: Midpoint/length/slope review (copy in mathematics folder)

Canvasser 2.11.16 Thursday

RR ELA- Today is the last day to turn in late reading logs! No new reading logs for this week/ over mid-winter break, BUT students should still be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day!

RR Math-Students took their math test today! The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due today! If you did not turn in your packet you can turn it in tomorrow for late points!

* EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY for anyone who can donate Clorox wipes to the classroom. All donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you!*

Individuals and Societies

-Students continued to meet and discuss IB projects in class today.
-Students also had time to work on (hopefully complete) 12.4 section assessment in class today.
-12.4 is due after break.
-Tomorrow is a half day/flip day, so I will not see students.  I hope everybody has a wonderful break.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Realistic Fiction - Day #6 - Author's craft chart

Read chapters 12-13

Geometry- Wednesday, February 10

Classwork: Finished exploring special parallelograms.

Homework: Special parallelograms handout (see math folder for copy)

Quiz tomorrow- Individual quiz!

Science- February 10

Classwork: Students investigated the relationship between current, voltage and resistance with a mystery resistor investigation.

Homework: None!


Canvasser's room- please get a cheap pair of headphones to leave in the classroom by Friday.

Canvasser 2.10.16 Wednesday

RR ELA- Tomorrow (2.11.16) is the last day to turn in late reading logs (one point will be taken off for every late day, BUT points off are better than no points)
No new reading logs for this week/over mid-winter break. Students should still be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes daily!

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
The red group can finish day four workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class!

*Extra Credit Opportunity for anyone who can donate Clorox wipes to the classroom. All donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you!*

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Realistic Fiction - Day 5: Words of the Wiser
Began reading chapters 10 & 11

Finish reading chapters 10 & 11

Geometry- Tuesday, February 9

Classwork: Investigated special parallelograms

Science- Tuesday, February 9

Classwork: Students read and took notes on current, voltage and resistance to further their understanding of yesterday's investigation.

Homework: Circuit worksheet (see science folder for copy)


Canvasser 2.9.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- Thursday is the last day to turn in late logs ( one point off for each late day, but better than a zero) No new logs will be given out this week/over mid-winter break, but students should still be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes daily!

RR Math- The math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
Blue group can finish Day four workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - February 8, 2016

Today, students complete 2.1, pages 22-23. Students constructed who-numbered area squares using dot paper. We discussed relationships between areas, sides,  which squares were easy to construct and why.

Focus Question
"How many different whole-number square areas are possible to draw using dots on a dot grid as vertices?"

There is no homework tonight. Notes and answers to 1.3 homework are available at


Student Council

The 8th Grade Dance Committee has been meeting and are now looking for volunteers! 

Parents - please volunteer to help out in anyway you can with the Sign Up Genius.  Thank you for your support.

Ramin - ELA

- Realistic Fiction (To Kill a Mockingbird) - Day 4
- "Step Inside" Visible Thinking Activity
- Began reading chapters 8 & 9

- Finish reading chapters 8 & 9

Canvasser 2.8.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today! If you did not turn one in, you can do so tomorrow for late points!
No new logs will be given out over  this week/mid-winter break, BUT students are still expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes daily!

RR Math- Red group can finish day three workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. The math packet and multiplication sheets are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)

* If anyone can donate Clorox wipes to the classroom, it will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!*

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 11.3/11.4 and were introduced to 12.1 in class today.
-Homework is to complete 12.1 section assessment.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Realistic Fiction - Day #3. We discussed Aha! Moments and began reading chapters 5-7.

Finish reading chapters 5-7.

Individuals and Societies

-Students discussed current events, turned in 11.3 guided worksheets and worked on 11.4 section assessment in class.
-11.4 is due Monday.

Geometry- Friday, February 5

Classwork: Quiz on 5.1-5.3

Homework: None!

Science- Friday, February 5

Classwork: Jigsaw notes on circuits and circuit diagrams.

Canvasser 2.5.16 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16) Blue group can finish day 3 of the workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class today

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dixon Language & Literature

Homework: Finish Chapters 3 and 4 of To Kill a Mockingbird, write down and explain three realistic events that happened in Chapters 1 through 4 (entry 3.4)


Geometry- Thursday, February 4

Classwork: Investigated & made conjectures regarding diagonals in parallelograms by constructing them and comparing measurements. We then confirmed these conjectures through proof.

Homework: Diagonals in parallelograms handout (see math folder for a copy)

Coming soon: Quiz tomorrow!

Science- Thursday, February 4

Classwork: Began our unit on Electricity by building simple circuits, drawing energy flow diagrams of those circuits and testing conductors and insulators.

Homework: None

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Thursday, February 4, 2016


Today, students completed 1.3, A-C on page 13. Students reviewed how to find areas of squares, rectangles and triangles and applied this knowledge to find the area of irregular figures. Students used geoboards to help them discover different strategies.

Focus Question

"How does knowing how to calculate areas of rectangles, triangles and squares help in the calculation of irregular areas?"


#15-25 (on handout or page 16) and #37-38 (pages 18-19) Answers to yesterday's homework, today's notes and a geoboard app are all available at


Ramin - ELA


Realistic Fiction (To Kill a Mockingbird) – Day #2



Finish reading chapters 3 and 4 of To Kill a Mockingbird 

Canvasser Thursday (2.4.16)

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16) Red group can finish day 2 workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ramin - ELA

- Realistic Fiction - Day #1. 
- Began reading To Kill a Mockingbird

Finish reading chapters 1 and 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird


Dixon Language & Literature

Homework: Finish Chapter 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird

Stein - Math 8 Plus - February 3, 2016

Today students completed 1.2 on page 12, A-D. Students reviewed the properties of polygons and discovered how to construct them on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs.

Focus Question
"How do the coordinates of endpoints of a segment help draw other lines, which are parallel or perpendicular to the segment?"

ACE Questions: #8-10 (p.15), #35-36 (p. 18). Challenge Problem (optional) #41, (p. 19). Answers to yesterday's homework, today's notes and homework are available at

Geometry- Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Classwork: Students continued investigating properties of parallelograms through proof and geometry software.

Homework: Sides and angles of parallelograms handout (see math folder for a copy)

Coming Soon! 5.1-5.3 Quiz on Friday

Science- Wednesday, February 3

Classwork: Took the midterm!

Canvasser 2.3.16 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/or before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
Blue group can finish day 2 workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class.  The red group worked on their review pages. The scores from the math test are posted on skyward.

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 11.2 (Texas Revolution) and were introduced to 11.3 (Mexican American War) in class.
-Homework is to begin to work on the 11.3 guided reading worksheet.  Worksheets are due Friday.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dixon Language & Literature

Homework: Journal Entry 3.1- Free Write

Geometry- Tuesday, February 2

Classwork: Half of the class investigated properties of parallelograms using TI-Inspire calculators construction tools and the other half investigated these same properties via proof. We will reverse tomorrow

Homework: None

Science- Tuesday, February 2

Classwork: Went over the review for tomorrow's midterm.

Homework: Study!

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Tuesday, February 2

Today we students received their books started Investigation 1, Problem 1. We completed A - C in class and took notes.

Focus Question
"How do driving distance and flying distances relate to each other?"

ACE Questions 1-6 (p. 14), 26-28 (p.17). You can do questions 39-40 (p. 19) instead of 1-6. Notes and homework labsheet are available at .

Canvasser 2.2.16 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week!) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section!, Along with having a parent signature for all five days! 

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheets are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will  also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
The red group can finish day one workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. The blue group worked on homework, test corrections, and review pages today!

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 11.1 and began to work on 11.2 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete 11.2 section assessment.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Monday, February 1

Today students received the syllabus and were introduced to Math 8 Plus content and expectations.

Look of the syllabus with your parent or guardian.

Please take a look at my website for the syllabus and additional links about the class and math practice!

Geometry- Monday, February 1

Classwork: Began unit 5 by investigating line and rotational symmetry. Students also were given the opportunity to look over the results from the midterm exam.

Homework: 5-1 practice

Science- Monday, February 1

Classwork: Played Jeopardy to review for the midterm.

Homework: Study for Wednesday's Midterm!

Ramin - ELA

Today students began an Everfi course on African American History in preparation for our upcoming novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Students will be completing Course 3 - Jim Crow Period & Course 4 - Civil Rights Period and Beyond in class today and tomorrow. 


Canvasser 2.1.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today! If you did not turn one in today, you can turn it in tomorrow for late points.
New reading logs are due Monday (2.8.16) Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (2.11.16) The math test will also be on Thursday (2.11.16)
Blue group can finish day one workbooks pages, if you did not complete them in class. Red group started on homework and test corrections.

Individuals and Societies

-Students were introduced to Chapter 11 and began to work on finding the 5w's (who, what, where, when, why and how) for westward expansion.  The answers are found in 11.1 of the text.
-11.1 is homework.