Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25

Science: Today we did Investigation 1B, which involved systems and variables. Lab corrections are due Friday.

Geometry: Discussed yesterday's activity and notes. We then began an activity to investigate special right triangles. No homework. 

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due Monday- you need to use all five reader response choices- a different one per each day.  All the responses need to get get completed once on different days.

R.Room Math:  Test Friday and homework packet due Friday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Finish ANY and ALL missing assignments (nothing from Etapa Preliminar accepted after Friday); Study for countries quiz on Friday.

Spanish II: Write out each verb that you got wrong five times, and write a sentence in Spanish using that verb. Due Monday, Sept 30th

French I: Write out a short conversation in French: saying hello,asking people's name, giving your own name, asking how they are, saying how you are, and saying goodbye. Due Monday, Sept 30th.

Algebra:  Tomorrow is the Classifying Numbers quiz and Friday is the Unit Test (sections 1.1-1.5, 2.1-2.7, and 9.1).  Attached is the review packet handed out today in class (ignore #52-60).  It is due tomorrow.

ELA - Students will evaluate their own poems using the rubric.  They will then write a brief self evaluation of their performance on this project.  We will begin publishing tomorrow.  Please remember, illustrations must accompany each final draft. Homework: FINISH Poem, Journal entry #15, READ!

Humanities: Students worked on summaries of Atlas work and discussed current events in class. Homework is to complete summaries if they are not finished.

Course 3: We went over our test today.  We also added integers.  Homework is worksheet 2.2, #2-21.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we wrote from a journal prompt, completed the first topic (complete subjects and complete predicates) in our grammar packet, and finished writing stories for the newsletter. All stories must be submitted to Dax no later than Thursday. Homework: Continue reading your novel.