Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6

Science: Discussed the notes and investigation on static electricity from earlier in the week. We then completed the notes for the electricity unit. Students must have the event and idea sketch for their alarm circuit in class tomorrow. 

Geometry: Law of Sines & Cosines tests were returned and we went over them. We then briefly introduced our next unit on circles.

Spanish 2: Start studying the new rods. they are on pg 365. Extra words can be seen on my blog.

French I: 5.2 worksheet is due by next Monday.

Spanish 1: Write 5 complete sentences about what you do on the weekend, using vocab from 2.3 and previous chapters.

Humanities: Students worked on editorial cartoons in class. Homework is to complete an editorial cartoon for tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Your new log was passed out and is due 3/10/14.

R. Room Math:  G red, test corrections are due this Friday.  Both groups, homework packets will be due 3/14/14.  Your test will also be on 3/14/14.  

Course 3: We are working on rates and ratios.  Homework is worksheet 7.1, all.

ELA - Today will be a reading and take AR quiz day as the next due date for AR quizzes is tomorrow.  I want to be sure that students have the time to complete each requirement.  We will be moving on to Prepositions next week.  Homework: Read, Journal entry #30
Tech- Today we went over any missing Moodle Assignments or Module 0 an Module 2.  Students were given the time to upload any missing work and take a Michigan Educational Technology Standards based quiz.  When both of these tasks were completed students were given time to practice their touch typing skills on - we will have our mid-term typing quiz tomorrow.