Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28

Science: Completed Investigation 1-B and practiced metric conversions.

Geometry: Went over the 2.2 notes (conditional statements). 2.2 worksheet is homework.

 Humanities: Students watched student news and shared current events in class. Homework is to complete chapter 2 pre-test for Monday.

Spanish I: Study for vocab quiz on 1.1 for Monday, Oct 1st

ELA - Students took their second vocab quiz today. They were then assigned a journal entry to complete while the rest of the class finished their quiz.  Please double check your student's vocabulary sentences on Tuesday nights, many students are having a hard time using words properly while showing the meaning in their sentences. These should be good 8th grade sentences with context clues in the sentence so I can glean the meaning from the sentence...."This is inadequate work." could mean anything....maybe "This is inadequate work, so it earned and E." would be better at showing what the vocabulary word means. Please have your student check the blog and the Student Access grade-book at least weekly so they are aware of their missing or excellent work.  Have a great weekend.

Pre-Algebra: We checked our Chapter Review. We talked about how to study and what material we each need to focus on for the Chapter 1 test this Monday. Have a great weekend!

Algebra: We took a short quiz today. Homework: Notes on section 2.4. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27

Pre-Algebra: I was out today at a math conference.  Students worked on a Chapter Review in preparation for the chapter test which will be on Monday.

Algebra: I was out today at a math conference.  Students worked on a Problem Solving Workshop that was due at the end of the hour and they received a quiz review sheet.  We will have a short quiz tomorrow covering sections 2.1 - 2.3 after we go over the review.

Geometry: I was out at a math conference today, students will get their chapter 1 tests back tomorrow. In class today students took notes on section 2.1 (inductive reasoning), 2.1 worksheet is homework.  We'll be starting proofs this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Course 3: Today we talked about integers, opposites, and absolute value.  Homework is worksheet 2.1, # 1, 2 - 26 evens, and 28 - 30 all.

Science: I was out today at a math conference, lab corrections will be returned tomorrow. Students did an other jigsaw notetaking on pages 13-17. There is no homework.

Spanish I: Exs 3,4, & 5 pgs 32-33. Due Mon Oct 1

ELA - Students learned about how an ordinary occurrence can be expressed through poetry.  Writer's Workshop Day 3 provided them with a mentor poem which was then split into the Narrative Poetry traits, students then used this mentor poem as inspiration to express themselves through poetry.  Many students shared these poems, it was a good time! We then started Writer's Workshop Day 4 with a discussion on Figurative Language and how to use it to bring more "color" into our writing.  We read a mentor poem by Tupac Shakur and discussed the figurative language he used to express himself. Homework: READ! Study for Vocabulary #2 Quiz. Write Journal Entry #15.
Humanities: Students worked on chapter 2 pre-test in class today. Current events are due Friday. Chapter 2 pre-test is due Monday.

Physical Education: September essay is due tomorrow, Friday, September 28. Click here for a copy of the question. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25

Geometry: Took the Chapter 1 test, no homework!

Course 3: We took the chapter one test today.  Homework is a mini-project about decorating your bedroom, # 1 - 4 only

Pre-Algebra: We did a coordinate plane activity today. Reviewing where the axes, quadrants, and points were located. Homework: Practice 1.8 (all)

Algebra: We reviewed Stem and Leaf Plots and Box and Whisker Plots today (MEAP Prep). We covered section 2.3. We will have a quiz covering sections 2.1- 2.3 on Friday. Homework: Finish Properties Flashcards.

Science: Investigation 1-B, systems and change. No homework

ELA - Students "turned in" their Vocabulary #2 definitions and then we went over the correctly worded definitions and the parts of speech together. Sentences are due Thursday. Writer's Workshop - We worked together on WW Launching #2. Students discussed the meanings of multiple poems and wrote these in their journals. Homework:  READ! (still a few weeks out on starting The Giver by Lois Lowry, now is the time to get their independent AR books read and quizzed) . Vocab list #2 sentences. Journal entry #13

Spanish I: Only homework is to study for the 1.1 quiz on Monday

Humanities: Students received homework folder grades, corrected the chapter 1 pre-test and watched a video on European exploration in class today. No homework. Current events due Friday.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24

Humanities: Students checked Constitution work from Friday, turned in homework folders and worked on chapter 1 pre-test in class. Homework is to use the text to finish the pre-test if it is not complete. Current events are due Friday.

Geometry: Went over the answers to the practice test and discussed tomorrow's test. Homework is to complete the odds of the chapter review (pages 60-63) and be sure to check answers in the back of the book. Test #1 tomorrow!

Pre-Algebra: We had a fire drill today that ate up some of our class time... we took a Fractions Review Quiz. Homework: Data Display Review. Students are asked to put data in a Stem and Leaf Plot and a Box and Whisker Plot. I have attached the homework.

Algebra: We went over that tough Sudoku puzzle I assigned on Friday. Thank you to those who worked hard on that! We took notes on section 2.2. Homework: Practice B or C (student's choice). If B, do problems (2-24 evens, 25-27); if C, do problems (2-20 evens, 21-23). There will be a quiz this Friday covering sections 2.1-2.3.

Course 3: We reviewed for our chapter 1 test tomorrow.  If students need more practice, there is a practice test on page 49 in the textbook.

Science: We completed the jigsaw note-taking for pages 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12 and discussed the notes. Homework is to complete the scientific processes worksheet on a separate sheet of paper using the guidelines discussed for great short answers (Give a complete answer, use a complete sentence, repeat key words from the question, be specific, don't leave your reader guessing). We also did the first binder check today, many students do not have their binders organized according to the requirements on the course syllabus. This is part of the participation grade.

ELA - Students received Vocab List #2 (attached), Dictionary Definitions and parts of speech are due tomorrow. We started our Writer's Workshop Writing Unit. Students took notes in their Writer's Notebook (entry #10), they analyzed a few poems from and used an anchor chart to chart out the topic, narrative elements, and feelings evoked from each poem. Directions for those absent attached. Homework: READ! Vocab definitions and Journal Entry #11

Spanish I: No homework, except study for 1.1 quiz on Mon Oct 1st

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21

Course 3: Students were given a review today for our chapter 1 test.  The test is on Tuesday.  We will review on Monday.  Homework is to finish the review if you didn't in class.

Geometry: Went over the 1.7 worksheet. Chapter 1 practice test is homework. Chapter 1 test is Tuesday.

Pre-Algebra: Worksheet 1.7 (multiples of 3)

Algebra: Sudoku puzzle!

Science: Today we learned how to complete notes using the "jigsaw" method. Students took notes on pages 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12. Homework is to complete

Spanish I: Finish worksheet. Due Mon Sept 24. Study for 1.1 vocab quiz

8th ELA - Happy Peace Day! We watched a video of our own Mrs. Reynolds read The Mangrove Tree: Planting Trees to Feed Families.By Cindy Trumbore, Susan L. Roth. Students then discussed what Peace Day means to them and wrote about it in their Writer's Journals. We then completed our last Test Taking Skills Packet: Punctuation. We taught the students strategies to use when presented with questions regarding punctuation during a test. Next week we will be starting our Writer's Workshop Launching Unit! Have a great weekend. Homework: READ!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20

Science: Completed Investigation 1-A today. We are becoming experts at using the tracks and timers as well as how to graph difficult data. Lab corrections are due on Monday.

Geometry: Went over the 1.6 homework and 1.7 notes (area, perimeter and circumfrence). Homework is the 1.7 worksheet. Chapter 1 test will be Tuesday, September 25.

Course 3: We had a packed day today!! We talked about area and perimeter of squares and rectangles. We also discussed the distance formula. Homework is worksheet 1.6, all.
Pre-Algebra: We spent some time on multiplying and dividing fractions. We will have a short quiz covering that on Monday. We discussed subtracting positive and negative numbers (keep-change-change). Homework: 1.6 Practice C (1-29 odd) must be done on a separate sheet of paper!

Algebra: Finished notes on section 2.1. Homework: 2.1 Practice B and Irrational Story.

8 ELA - Students responded to one of the following prompts for their journal entry #7:
- Which would you rather be - a fish or a bird? Why?
- If you could be someone else, who would that person be? Explain your choice.
- your own topic
We then moved on to Test Taking Skills - Capitalization Assessments. Students followed along with Ms. Mayrand highlighting the tips and tricks page (practice picking out important information for note taking). The students then completed the packet at tables. Students were given time to start taking their 1st card marking AR quizzes and read. Many students did not have their AR book...please reinforce the importance of having their novel with them in class every day, it won't help them in the locker. Homework: READ! Journal entry #8

Spanish I: 2nd hour: finish last week's worksheet for tomorrow. 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th: no homework

Physical Educaton: September Fitness essay is due on September 28. Click here for a copy of the question.

Humanities: Students checked homework folders, watched student news and shared current events in class. No homework.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday, September 19

Pre-Algebra: We went over the answers to our first quiz. We took notes in our notetaking guide on lesson 1.5. This should still be review. Homework: Worksheet 1.5 (all). I have attached the worksheet in case you don't have it at home.

Algebra: We spent much of the hour going over the quizzes and Problem Solving Workshop. We started taking notes on section 2.1. Each class was assigned parts of the notes to complete depending on where we stopped in class. I have attached a copy of the notes (click here).

Geometry: Went over 1.5 homework and took notes on section 1.6 (polygons). Homework is the 1.6 worksheet. Test on chapter 1 is Tuesday, September 25.

Science: Completed Investigation 1-A and took a Daily Science Quiz. Labs were also returned and lab corrections were discussed. Lab corrections are due on Monday, September 24. Original lab and rubric must be included with corrections.

8th ELA - In recognition of Constitution Day, students reviewed the Bill of Rights and what each Amendment means, they then imagined that aliens landed and told them that they could only keep five of the rights that our country's forefathers outlined as inalienable...they wrote in their Writer's Journals (entry #5) which five rights they would pick and why. They then discussed these rights with their table mates and came up with a consensus of what was the #1 right they could not let go. Using an online survey system, students used their cell phones to vote on the one right.  The class discussed the results of the survey. Students were then given a test prep packet on Spelling Assessments and the best strategies to use. If this packet is not completed during class it is homework to be turned in tomorrow at the beginning of class. Homework: READ! (2 Individual AR books due by Nov 2), Test Taking Strategies Spelling Assessments Packet, Journal Entry #6

Spanish I: no homework

Art 7/8: Students continue working on watercolor techniques portion of sketchbook cover. Adding of quote with marker will be discussed today.

Advanced Art grade 8: Students continue working on daily still life #1. These will be finished up this week and still life #2 will be started. Students will continue working on the value study using 2 words. This should be completed by the end of this week/early next week.

Course 3: Today we worked on mental math with variables.  We went over our quizzes from last Friday.  We started to talk about area and perimeter.  No homework.

Humanities: Students recognized Constitution Day by examining the preamble, articles and amendments to the Constitution. Homework is to complete a current event. A current event template is attached.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, September 14

Science: Continued investigation 1-A. No homework, labs will be returned next week. Daily science quiz on Wednesday.

Geometry: Went over chapter 1.5 (angle pair relationships) and quizzes were returned. Homework is 1.5 worksheet. 

Pre-Algebra: We took our first quiz today.  No homework!  Have a great weekend.

Algebra: We handed in our Problem Solving Workshop and took a quiz (1.1-1.4).  No homework!  Have a great weekend!

P.E.: September fitness essay instructions are attached- Click here. 

Spanish I: Etapa Preliminar quiz on Wed Sept 19. 1st, 4th, 6th, and 7th hour: worksheet due by Wed Sept 19

8th ELA - Student took their first of many vocabulary quizzes!  After the "Vocabulary Bee" yesterday they should have aced this one!  We had many ties amongst tables and had to hand out a lot of WOW tickets at the end of each hour! Test Taking Skills Reading Comprehension packets were completed and turned in, as well as Summer Reading AR quizzes and students were given time to read.  No Journal entry due over the break but students can always write extra...hint, hint! Have a great holiday weekend, we will see you on Wednesday.

Course 3: We took a quiz today on lessons 1.2 - 1.4 and interpreting graphs.  We started to talk about mental math equations with variables.  No homework.

Humanities: Students shared values pictures/paragraphs and began a KWL on the Constitution in class. No homework.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13

Pre-Algebra: We talked about absolute value and ordering integers. We have our first quiz tomorrow! As mentioned in class, I have attached a review to this blog. If it is printed out, completed, and brought to class on Friday, you will get 2 extra credit points!

Algebra: We worked on problem solving today. Tomorrow is our first quiz and Problem Solving Workshop is due. Happy Studying!

Geometry: Took our first quiz on sections 1.1-1.4. Homework is to practice constructions of angle bisectors.

Geometry: Investigation 1-A, using the photogates and timers. Final draft of the "Candy Coated Lab" is due tomorrow.

8th ELA - Students reviewed their first vocabulary list with table "Vocab Bees" and then the top of each table competed in a Final! Great Job kids! Students then had the hour to work on their Test Taking Skills Reading Packet - due at the end of the hour tomorrow. AR quizzes were taken for Summer Reading and our first set of Vocabulary sentences was handed in. First full week almost done! This is a great group!
Homework: READ! Study Vocabulary for Quiz tomorrow *Summer Reading AR quizzes due by the end of the day tomorrow.

Humanities: Students discussed perspective in relation to values, investigated current events related to conflicting values and began to work on a visual representation and written explanation of what Americans value. Homework is to complete the picture/paragraph of American values.

Spanish I: 1st, 4th, 56th, 7th hour: Homework: Finish the worksheet packet. Due Sept 19. Study for vocab quiz on Etapa Preliminar on Sept 19. 2nd hour: Study for vocab quiz on Etapa Preliminar on Sept 19. Tomorrow meet me by the art room to go to the lab at Avery.

Course 3: Students have a quiz tomorrow on lesson 1.2 - 1.4 and interpreting a graph.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, September 12

Geometry: Went over the 1.4 worksheet and discussed what to expect for tomorrow's quiz. We then learned how to use a compass and a straightedge to construct congruent segments and to bisect a segment. Homework is to continue the contstructions for congruent angles and to bisect an angle (pg. 34).

Science: Peer reviewed rough drafts of the "Candy Coated Lab". Final drafts are due on Friday! 5 points will be deducted for each day that the lab is late.

Pre-Algebra: We did problem solving today! Homework: 2 half sheets (11 problems altogether)

  Algebra: Wow! We are working hard! We discussed section 1.4 which was translating verbal expressions into algebraic expressions. We checked notebooks to make sure we were staying organized. Homework: worksheet 1.4 evens only. Students have the choice of doing either side B or C (C is more challenging). We have some big events coming up this Friday. Our first quiz over sections 1.1-1.5 and a Problem Solving Workshop (PSW) is due at the end of the hour on Friday.

8th ELA - Students reviewed their definitions for Vocabulary List #1 - Then reviewed their Test Taking Skills - Vocab Assessment packets. They then began their second Test Taking Skills Packet - Reading Comprehension - They are to complete the first three lessons for tomorrow. FYI: There will be another RMC (Random Materials Check) soon, please be sure that you remind your student to come to class prepared with: AR novel, Planner, binder, Personal Journal, & writing utensils. Homework:  READ!  Journal Entry #3 , Reading Comprehension Packet Lessons 1-3

Spanish I: Homework: Study for vocab quiz on Sept 19 . 2nd hour only: homework is exs 1-4, pgs 18-19

Art 7/8: Watercolor sketchbook cover continued.

Advanced Art Grade 8: First still life drawing started on Monday. Today it is day 3. Words with value drawing demonstrated and started in class yesterday. Students will continue today.

Humanities: Current Events Template

Course 3: 2nd hour Today we continued to work on order of operations. Our homework tonight is worksheet 1.4, 1-3 all and 4 - 30 evens. All other classes - Today we worked with variable in our expressions and following order of operations. Homework is worksheet 1.3, # 1 - 8 all, 9 - 29 odds.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11

Today we had an assembly during 2nd hour to drum up support for the PTA fun run.

Geometry: Went over 1.3 homework and discussed the 1.4 notes (angles). Homework is the 1.4 worksheet. Our first quiz will be on Thursday and will cover sections 1.1-1.4. If you are intersted in ordering a TI Inspire calculator, please click here for the order form. The high school would like all of the orders by Monday.

Science: Mrs. Kettner's 2nd hour did not meet today due to the Fun Run Pep Assembly. Mrs. Petersen's 3rd-7th hours chose to either work on their rough drafts or a scavenger hunt with the science books. All classes will peer review the "Candy Coated Lab" tomorrow, rough drafts must be complete for peer review. Final drafts of the lab are due on Friday. See yesterday's post for a copy of the grading rubric.

Pre-Algebra: Lesson 1.2 Powers and Exponents. Took notes, discussed problem solving strategies. Tomorrow we will have a notebook check to make sure we are staying organized. We will have our first quiz this Friday (sections 1.1-1.4). Homework: 5 word problems on a worksheet. Make sure you show your work and label your answers.

Algebra: Continued lesson 1.3 with a problem solving activity. Tomorrow we will have a notebook check to make sure we are staying organized. Assigned a set of problems "Problem Solving Workshop for lessons 1.1-1.4" which is due at the end of the hour Friday 9/14. Homework: Lesson 1.3 Practice C #1-17 odds. We will have a quiz over those sections this Friday (changed from Thursday as stated yesterday).

Spanish I: Homework: exs1-4, pgs 18-19. Due tomorrow

8th ELA - First Journal Entry, students chose from one of the following prompts: -Explain what you like and dislike about your name. - Would you like to live to be 100 years old? Explain your answer. - Your choice of topic They took AR quizzes, read silently, and completed their study of Test Taking Skills - Vocabulary Assessments. These will be checked tomorrow. Homework: READ! Personal Journal Entry #2.

Humanities: Students shared parent responses to 9-11 questions, finished viewing an interactive timeline and discussed how the United States continues to move forward following this tragic event. Homework is to complete a current event.

Course 3: Today we continued to work on order of operations. Our homework tonight is worksheet 1.4, 1-3 all and 4 - 30 evens. Second hour does not have homework due to the assembly.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10

Science: Today we worked on writing the conclusion and reflection sections for the "Candy Coated Lab", and began our rough drafts. Students were shown examples of a finished labs so that they have an idea of what their rough draft should look like. Rough drafts for peer review are due on Wednesday and the final draft is due on Friday. Click here for a copy of the rubric.

Geometry: Went over the 1.3 notes (midpoint and distance formulas) and discussed the 1.2 homework. Tonight's homework is the 1.3 worksheet. Quiz on 1.1-1.4 on Thursday.

Pre-Algebra: We started lesson 1.1 today: Expressions and Variables. Our homework today is worksheet 1.1 and students have the choice of doing evens on either side B or side C. They do not have to do both. Side C is for students who would like a little more of a challenge. We will have our first quiz this Friday.

Algebra: We did lesson 1.2 today (order of operation). Our homework is a worksheet problems 1-15. We are going to move quickly through chapter 1. Our first quiz is scheduled for this Thursday.

8th ELA - Students were given their first Vocabulary List and a sheet with sentences providing context clues. Students "guessed" at the definitions and then checked their guesses in the dictionary.  We then moved on to Test Taking Skills for Vocabulary Assessments. Students took notes on strategies and started testing these strategies with sample assessments. This will be continued tomorrow. Homework: Compete definitions for Vocab List #1. READ! *Remember Summer Reading quizzes are due by this Friday.

Humanities: Students worked on a 9-11 KWL, viewed an interactive timeline from the 9-11 memorial website and thought of questions to ask parents regarding 9-11. Homework is to share 9-11 information with parents and record parent responses to questions about 9-11.

Spanish I: Study etapa preliminar for quiz on Sept 19

Course 3: Today we worked on order of operations. Homework is worksheet 1.2, evens.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, September 7

Geometry: Discussed section 1.2 (segments and congruence) and went over the 1.1 homework. Tonight's homework is the 1.2 worksheet. We will have our first quiz on sections 1.1-1.4 Thursday, Septmber 13.

Science: Continued the "Candy Coated Lab" by making graphs and working on the data analysis, conclusions and critique reflection.

Pre-Algebra: We finished up our graph interpretation exercise. Homework: Pre-course practice (3-72 multiples of 3, plus 70 and 71). Have a great weekend!

Algebra: We finished our Graph Interpretation activity. Their assignment this weekend is to revisit the "Journey to the Bus Stop" writing assignment. Now students are better equipped to answer these questions with excellent vocabulary and thoughts. Have a great weekend!

Spanish I: Homework: Study the vocabulary words you do not know from Etapa Preliminar for a quiz on Wed Sept 19.

Course 3: Students continued to work on their common core lesson. We are really having fun! They had to match 10 graphs to 10 stories and then put them on construction paper. Homework is to read a story and create a graph to go with it.

8th ELA - Students had the period to read, take Summer Reading AR quizzes, and set up their Writer's Journals. I checked materials and for the most part students had everything. If they did not have an AR book I offered to let them go down to the Media Center and check one out...every student should have a novel in class everyday.

Art 7/8:  Review of yesterdays watercolor techniques demonstration. Today students design plan for sketchbook cover including the quote.

Advanced Art 8: Students continue review worksheets about the Elements and Principles of Design. Monday students will begin their first still life drawing. Sketchbooks will be needed on Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed questions about perspective, discussed current events and analyzed news sources in class. No homework. Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday, September 6

Pre-Algebra: We did a graph interpretation activity today. Homework: 1 question that is an extension of what we did in class. I have attached the assignment.

Algebra: We did a graph interpretation activity today. Homework: 1 question that is an extension of what we did in class. I have attached the assignment.

Geometry: Went over the 1st section of notes (Identify points, lines and planes). There are many new terms and concepts that will require students to expand their notions of space. 1.1 worksheet is homework.

Science: Collected data for the Candy Coated Lab. Homework is to complete the research for the lab.

8th ELA - We took our Botel Word Opposites Test today for a baseline reading assessment. When we finished we took Summer Reading AR quizzes and read silently. If your student was absent today please make sure they come and see me during a lunch to take their Botel tests. Looking forward to seeing all of the parents at Curriculum Night this evening. Homework: READ!  I will be doing a materials check tomorrow be sure your student has:
-AR Novel to read
-Writers Journal
-Notebook (Binder)
-Writing Utensils

Spanish I: no homework today

Art 7/8: Students were to research and pick TWO quotes about Art. They could search quotes pertaining to : imagination, creativity, Art, famous artists, drawing, painting, etc." Students will then choose one quote for their sketchbook cover. Today there will be a demonstration on 10 different watercolor techniques. Students will incorporate at least 4 of these techniques into their sketchbook cover.

Advanced Art Grade 8: Students will be reviewing the Elements and Principles of Art/Design.  Practice worksheets will be completed.

Course 3: Today we worked on interpreting graphs. No homework.

Humanities: Students turned current event permission slips, current events and KWLs in class. Students discussed perspective and rewrote current events from another's point of view. Homework is to finish writing the "point of view" paragraph and to discuss influences on point of view and/or perspective. Curriculum night begins at 7:15 this evening. I have attached a syllabus that will also be distributed tonight.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday, September 5

Yesterday students attended an assembly on expectations for the school year presented by Mr. Yowchuang and Mrs. Meacham. Please click here to view the presentation.

Please try to attend the "Welcome Back Hoedown" on Friday from 6:00-8:00. This is a FREE event with FREE drinks and snacks!

Science: Today we started the "Candy Coated Lab" by discussing the research, purpose, hypothesis and methods section. We will begin collecting data for this lab tomorrow and will spend the rest of the week and next week completing this lab in order to answer the question "How Do Scientists Communicate".

Pre-Algebra: We went over expectations, handed out books, and did a short math assignment to get a reading on where we all are math-wise. Homework: Have parents sign expectations paper.

Algebra: I checked to see if parents signed the expectations sheet. Started lesson 1.1/2.7. Homework: book work page 5 (#3,6,9,12,26,28,35)

Geometry: We completed the comic proofs and began planning on outline for writing a paragraph to describe the comic (writing across the curriculum!). Homework is for students to complete the paragraph with a topic sentence, descriptions/explainations and a conclusion.

Spanish I: Homework for tomorrow: finish highlighting all vocabulary words that you do not know.

8th ELA - Students brought in their Writer's Journals and decorated/personalized them while we discussed the IB Learner Profile and compared the different traits to famous people. (Communicator: Martin Luther King Jr., Thinker: Confucius, etc) We then discussed how to turn in work, find information if a student is absent, take AR quizzes, and be successful in 8th Grade ELA.  Students turned in their signed welcome letters. Homework: read! Summer Reading is due by the end of next week...we will not be starting our first novel for a few weeks so please get started on your 3 books for this marking period!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday, September 4

Welcome Back Everyone!

Science: Today we went over the course syllabus and the general expectations for the school year. Homework is to return the signed syllabus tomorrow. All students who turn their syllabus tomorrow will be entered into a drawing for a free slurpee delivered by Mrs. Petersen during lunch on Friday.

Geometry: Today we went over the course syllabus and the genearl expectations for the school year. Homework is to return the signed syllabus tomorrow. All students who turn their syllabus tomorrow will be entered into a drawing for a free slurpee delivered by Mrs. Petersen during lunch on Friday. We also began our first geometry unit "Where is Math in our World" with the comic proof.

Humanities: Students received textbooks, shared U.S. History KLWs and were introduced to classroom expectations in class.  Third hour attended the eighth grade expectations assembly. Homework is to have parents read and sign classroom expectations.

ELA 8 - Please welcome Mrs. Mayrand to our class, she will be the student teacher in room 204 for most of the first semester of the school year. She comes to us from Wayne State University. We discussed basic class information, I handed out the attached letter to be signed and returned by Friday, Sept 7th. Students are to bring in pictures, magazines, words or items to decorate the outside of their Writer's Journal (one of the two composition books listed on the materials list.) for tomorrow.  Please remember that students were supposed to read three books over the summer and take an AR quiz on each...these quizzes are slated for this Thursday and Friday...Final submission of Summer Reading quizzes will be next Friday, September 14th.