Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Canvasser 5.31.17 Wednesday

RR ELA- The readings logs are due Tuesday ( 6.6.17) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due Thursday ( 6.1.17) the math test will also be on Thursday ( 6.1.17). Students homework packet, notes, and workbook pages are great study tools!

*Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily!*

*AR points are due soon for students general ELA classes!*


Classwork: We spent a little more time reviewing then took the open note Light Quest.

Coming up: Final Exam will be Friday, June 9th. It will cover Electricity (unit 4), Sound & Waves (unit 5), and Light & the Electromagnetic Spectrum (unit 6). Study guides will be handed out at the end of this week.

Cedar Point is coming up on Monday, June 5th. Details and questions will be covered in class on Friday.

Spanish 2

Students went over the Unit 9 review packet that they got yesterday and completed listening practice.

Unit 9 Test: Friday, June 2

Final Exam: Monday, June 12, and Tuesday, June 13