Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11

Science: Jigsaw notetaking on voltage, current and resistance. Homework is 13.1 & 13.2 worksheet.

Geometry: Trig test review is due tomorrow, trig test is Thursday.

C. Reading:  If logs were not turned in today, then you will have one to do over vacation.

R. Room Math:  Packet/Test on Thursday 2/27

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due tomorrow -- Ex. 15,17,18 pp 136-137. Due Thursday--10 sentences for speed dating. VOCAB QUIZ--THURSDAY (extra day given!) Restaurant Skit info given --not due until March 3

Stein Health 8: What we did today: Today we continued working on our anti-tobacco advertisements. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These will be due Wednesday, February 12 by the end of the hour. Homework: There is no homework today. 

Course3: We had a quiz today.  No homework.

Spanish II: Finish the SeƱor Wooly packet
French I: No homework

Pre-Algebra: Quarterly II- HW: Be sure you have completed your assignments from Unit 8. I will be checking in 8.5 all tomorrow (if I have not already checked yours in) . Unit 8 Test Thursday! Start preparing by reviewing your notes, ISN pages, homework and classwork.

Humanities: Students checked 11.3 and reviewed chapter 11 in class. Homework is to complete a current event for tomorrow.

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book.  Homework: Journal entry #19, READ!
Technology- Students viewed "Did you know" and a New York Times article using provided notes pages.  We will create login's for Career Forward and watch more videos on globalization. Homework: bring headphones to class for our lesson on Globalization tomorrow.

Algebra- Homework: Practice Test for Chapter 7 (due tomorrow)