Thursday, September 8, 2016

Mrs. Stone's Math 8

Our first homework assignment!

Page 15 (7, 8, 11, 14-17)


Today we discussed the use of metric measurement in science across the world through our Daily Science. Some classes discussed different note-taking formats while other classes got to know their science book through a scavenger hunt. Remember-a signed syllabus is due tomorrow which is the first graded assignment! Extra copies can be found in the science folder on the blog.


Students continued working on our introduction to proofs with the "comic proof". We will use this activity to help develop class group work norms and a productive learning environment for the year.

Ramin - ELA

Students wrote an on-demand argument essay on a topic of their choosing.

9/9: Materials (including an AR book for first quarter!) & signed syllabus due
9/9: Summer reading AR quizzes due