Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25

Science: Students were give the opportunity to go back over their science tests or finish if necessary. Labs were collected. No homework!

Geometry: Took the test on Quadrilaterals & Constructions. No homework!

Spanish (Tomlinson): Do: repaso pp. 44-45 (#1-4); do it carefully!! Test on Wednesday (1.1)

Spanish 2: Quiz on Tuesday on the weather and tener expressions

French I: 1.3 unit quiz on Monday and the first chapter test on Wednesday

Algebra:  We talked about absolute value inequalities today.  Our test on sections 6.4 to 6.6 will be next Thursday.  Homework:  wkst 6.6 (all)  There are a couple of Youtube clips that may be helpful.  Go to Youtube and search "Absolute Value Inequalities"  the first two listed should be from Khan Academy and Yaymath.  Check them out if you have time!  Have a great weekend.

R.R Math:  Homework is due today.  No homework over the weekend.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 5 in preparation for a test on Tuesday. The test and rubric are attached. Homework is to use the text, notes and friends to answer all test questions.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we practiced possessive nouns in grammar and discussed Reader's Workshop-Lesson 2 with our book club members.  Homework: Read


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