Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11

Science: Today we planned the "How Fast am I?" Lab. Students need to have their procedures written for Monday's data collection. (3rd Hour is a day behind due to MEAP, homework for 3rd hour is the Graphs of Motion w/o Numbers Worksheet)

Geometry: Completed the Parallelogram on the TI Inspire to investigate the relationships & properties of parallelograms. Homework is the 8.3 worksheet.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No practice
lunes--lab and gustar/no gustar
martes/miercoles--no hay clase
jueves--grammar review

viernes-grammar quiz

Humanities: Today students worked in the US History atlases to review the similarities and differences between the colonial regions. No homework.

Chinese: We continue making pinyin combination flashcards beginning with b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h; practicing pronouncing them in 4 tones.

Spanish II; First test is this Monday, Oct 14th. use the blog to study:  All links have been posted today to get to each section quickly

French I: Study for the 1.2 quiz next week on Thursday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs due Monday.

Algebra:  2nd hour: homework wkst 3.5/3.6 evens only [attached] ;  4th-7th: homework proportion and special equation practice (all) [attached]

ELA- Students continued  their study of Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 1 Teaching point.  We discussed the first few chapters of the book, and enjoyed about a half hour per class period of quiet reading time.  So nice! If students "tested out" of reading The Giver they should divide their book up into 8 equal sections so that they have a goal number of pages per day and are finished reading by October 21st.  FYI: There will be a project due on October 28th. Homework: At least up to Chapters 1-4 due for Monday but you may continue reading as far as you can!

Pre-Algebra: Today we had a "Slate Review" of mixed number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Homework: Review homework sheets and 4-square in preparation for Mixed Number Operations Quiz, 2nd Hour -  Quiz Monday, 3rd Hour - Quiz Wednesday. The attached pages (Add/Subtract Mixed #'s and Multiply/Divide Mixed #'s) are great review and have plenty of examples of problems similar to those you will see on the quiz. 

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we peer edited our literary essays and made revisions. Homework: Type final drafts of the literary essays. Turn in on Monday. Read!

Course 3: Homework: 1st and 3rd hour-Distributive worksheet. 2nd and 4th hours-Like terms worksheet

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