Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March 4

Science: Investigation 14-A (Series, parallel and short circuits) completed in class. Mrs. Kettner's class took notes on series & parallel circuits.

Geometry: Took the chapter 8 test.

Humanities: Students checked tests, 11.1 and 11.2 in class. Students also began to work on 11.3 section assessment and/or extra credit work in class. Homework is to complete 11.3. Current events are due Friday.

Spanish I: 2.2 test is tomorrow. 2.3 quiz (part 1) is on Wednesday (and the 2.3 vocab packet and sentences are due)

ELA - Students viewed the first part of To Kill a Mockingbird we compared and contrasted the book and the movie, noticing how many characters are different, some scenes didn't happen in the book and did in the movie, and vice versa. Students were allowed to work on their projects, take or retake the AR quiz for TKM. Homework: Journal entry #24 - READ PROJECTS ARE DUE WEDNESDAY (Rubric and Directions are attached).

Course 3: Today we continued to work on graphing using the m and the b of an equation.  m=slope and
b=y-intercept. Homework is worksheet 11.7, 2 -14.

Pre-Algebra: Graphing packet is due tomorrow.
Algebra: We finished talking about 8.1.  Homework:  8.1 (side B or C)  evens only.  [Attached]

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