Science: Jigsaw note-taking on pages 302-305. Circuit Diagram worksheet for homework.
Geometry: 7.7 notes in class (solving right triangles), 7.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 7 test is Monday, March 1.
Algebra: Students worked on a 7.1-7.3 Review. We started 7.4 Notes. No homework
Algebra 2: We did a Chapter 8 Review, checked 8.5 and then started 8.6.
Pre Algebra: Deadline for "Fill the Basket Challenge" is this Friday. Students turned in Chapter 5 Test.
Course 3: We went over 7.1 and began 7.2. No homework. Austin- We started notes on lesson 7.1, Ratios and Rates. Homework- worksheet 7.1, # 2-26 evens.
LA - Journal #27 - People seem to create excuses for almost everything that goes wrong. How many excuses can you think of for getting mud on the carpet? TKM 16-18 and WGTB 9-10 book discussion. HW - TKM 19-24 and WGTB 11-13 due 3/1. Please note: Daily journals are due Friday 2/26 - 30 entries 150 points. Grammar Quiz - Friday 2/26 - direct/indirect objects. Novel test Friday 3/12 - this will cover the whole novel.
Journalism - Editing strategies. Article placement. HW - none, unless you need to finish your final draft.
Humanities: Students corrected chapter (s) 9/10 test in class and reviewed homework folder grades. No homework. Current events due Thursday.
Spanish 1: Memorize the conversation among Enrique, Maria and Linda to present on Thursday.
Spanish 8: The work from before vacation is due tomorrow. That work is to finish the blank map and to go through the vocabulary list from page 21 and put words into three columns. When done, kids started on worksheets 1 and 2 from etapa preliminar, the opening chapter.
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