Science: Today we practiced calculating acceleration based on the car traveling on a level section of the track compared to a sloped section of the track. Students qot their quizzes back, quiz corrections are due tomorrow for 1/2 credit. Rules for quiz corrections are:
1. Separate sheet of paper
2. Copy the entire question
3. Write the correct answer completely (not just "a")
4. Write at least 2 sentences explaining the question and answer. Statements such as "I didn't know" or "I got confused" do not explain the science. If it is a solving question students may make a problem sovling box instead of writing sentences.
Geometry: Did the 2.3 notes in class (Law of Detachment & Law of Syllogism). 2.3 worksheet is homework. 2.1-2.4 quiz on Thursday.
Algebra: 2.5 Day1
Pre Algebra: no hw unless you have test corrections and need a parent signature.
Course 3: Review for Ch. 1 Test tomorrow
Algebra 2: Chapter 2 Test tomorrow
Humanitites: Current event due Wednesday.
LA - Journal #16 - write 2 feeling poems. Students took a grammar quiz on structure and kinds of sentences. I collected the grammar packet for a homework grade.
Students learned how to write "quiet" poems. HW: Write a quiet poem. Student should also have the subj/predicate packets up to 1.10 finished for Tuesday. REMINDER: today is the last day to make-up reading counts quizzes. Reading counts number #2 should be taken on or before 10/16.
Journalism - Students worked on finding out the verdict of the P-Diddy trial and reporting it in their own words. Students also wrote a rap about the trial. HW: finishing up their class assignments.
Spanish 1: Please draw, color and label (on a saparate sheet) a person using p. 69 vocabulary.
Spanish 8: Please prepare for the geography quiz tomorrow.
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